New Company Registration in Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu is a big state that has many opportunities for everyone especially for those who want to start their new business in any of the popular product of Tamil Nadu. For anyone who wants to start a new business, besides having the know-how of the particular business, one should also have the legal knowledge necessary for setting up a new concern. This legal knowledge required in company registration relates to searching and registration of company name and its trademark. If into import and export then knowledge of the formalities and the paper work required is so essential. If the individual or group starting new business has lack of legal knowledge for starting their business they can seek guidance through some legal firms. We are specialized to guide a new comer to set up their business.
Company Incorporation / Formation Services Tamil Nadu
With our team of experts we ensure you hassle free set up of your business. Starting from registration to incorporation, one does not have to rush for each document here and there. We provide one stop solution for those who want to establish new businesses. As per your choice and type of company you want to form you can opt either of following type of registration:
- A Private(pvt.) Limited (ltd.) company registration process: is suitable for those who want to set up a private limited company with minimum of two directors and two members.
- A Public Limited (Ltd.) company registration process: is an option suitable for those who want to commence public ltd. Company and want to raise high amount of funds from public as per nature of business. You will require minimum of three directors and seven shareholders to form this type of company.
- A LLP registration process is initiated for LLP firms. LLP type of firm gives the benefit of partnership firm with limited liability to its partners. You will require two partners and 2 designated partners to form this type of company.
- An OPC registration process is suitable for those who want to set up private limited Company with one person as a Member.
Once you are clear with the type of company you want to form you can accordingly move ahead for its registration process.